Same Ole, Same Ole
This past weekend I had the chance to spend time with Ashley, April and Amy, three friends that I became very close to during my internship my first year in Africa. April (from California) flew into one of the largest snowstorm Detroit has seen in awhile and drove down to Cincinnati with Ashley. That started off our exciting weekend of doing nothing together. Even though we didn’t do anything special or go anywhere exciting, we had a great time together.
The entire weekend felt like we just picked up where we left off. Each person although different, was exactly the same as she was a year ago. You can always count on Ashley to make you time anywhere entertaining, April to sing off key to Bob Marley, and for Amy to make you laugh so hard you cry. That is what I absolutely love about good friendships, the ability to be the same no matter now long you have been apart. I value this so much more since I've been away. Now all alone at my grandpa’s I’m thinking about all that I will probably miss in the next two years, but looking forward to the next time when we can do the same ole, same ole together again.Labels: Friendship, Fun, Vacation
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Since I was very young, I have had a hunger for other nations…read more about me Here! |
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